Remember when we kissed in the rain
And the sun came out to watch?
I knew I'd found immortal love then.
I remember you watching me as I slept...
I always slept after you as I watched you
Fall asleep.But I always woke up with your
Eyes in my face.
Remember when I proposed to you?We both cried,
Those tears lived in secrecy.Not a day died without
A thought of thee, my sole reason for being.
Remember when I hurt you?You said you hated me...
Your words killed a dark part of me and for this
I will always love you.
Remember the nights you cried yourself to sleep?
I cried with you in my heart.I don't blame you
For not giving me immortality.You are a perfect
Woman don't you dare think otherwise.
Remember how your smile lite up my world?
Like the blue ocean your soul is.
Green is the color of your soul,
It has life galore.
Remember when I said I loved you?That was the easiest
Way of putting it, you were the blood in my veins,
You took me over like rays of sun defeating the darkness.
My love always remember that you gave me
A face whenever I didn't have any...I'm gone now but
My love for you will never die, don't ever forget this.
Ive embraced my ever-sleeping fate...
I regret not the many
Years of bliss you gave thee.
You should not mourn thee...a lover of thy,
Thee a queen to thy.
If you hear thy voice,
Please smile for thee?
Grant thy wish for I will rest in peace.