In one day you can lose your way
And everything will never be the same again,
In a day you can live beneath life and touch pain,
You can lose your face by living to please others all
In a day,
In one day you can write your future.
In a day you can find love
Yes you can find a reason to be alive,
You can be born again and taste air
For the first time today,
A life lost a century ago can be gained all
In one day,
In a day you can kiss your foes with love
By forgiving their wrong deeds…For you will
Chase the spite from your heart
And give birth to pure love.
In a day you can live forever;
You can fall in love and live a lifetime
All in a day.
In one day you can find your soulmate
And smile like the moon,
Together you can Fall asleep
And rest your new love beneath the stars.
Yes in one day you can touch love that’ll
Never leave nor forsake you.
In one day you can smile at a stranger
And tomorrow he’ll do as wise when
You’ve embraced your sorrow,
In a day the people you take for advantage
Can die and you will live to regret not having
Loved them.
Today you can learn life’s lessons the hard way
And your life can change for eternity.
In a day you can reach the sky
And seek no other beauty,
In a moment you can fly and kiss
The moon you always dreamt of.
Within a day you can contemplate suicide
And wonder how you go there…You can
Resurrect the sores of your heart and never
Love again if you desire.
In a minute you can regret not having smiled
While your love lasted; You can lose your will
To be all in one day.
In one day you can find the cure
To your cancer and laugh at the days you
Spent thinking about dying,
Yes you can find truth in an instant.
A new day spells a fresh start in life
To undo the evil you’ve caused.
Each day is a chance to make a truce
With the spirits,
A chance to admit wrong and perhaps
To be forgiven by the ones you hurt dearly.
Smile as you wake up
And as you sleep,
In your dreams smile at the
Demons that are chasing you
And they’ll let up the fray for
Your soul…
In a day you can live like you
Dream for you are a free spirit.
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