28-Mar 2009
In her mind she dies each day he reaps
The life out of her mortal being,
Her tears stay dry for the bloodshed
Unknown to all but felt by her.
The scars of torture bleed with the
Closing of each year of darkness and
Sheer emotional seclusion,
He molds her mind with the misery
That he mistakes for intimacy,
She looses feeling with the coming
Of his atrocities that leave her
Crying in the darkness.
The sheath that suffocates her mind
Grows thicker as she swims in her tears of sorrow,
She embraces him as he slowly kills her
By raping her emotions of self worth.
Raging with spite though her mind is she fails
To find strength to break free from his
Shackles of make believe,
She wonders in her sorrow every time he puts
Her to sleep in the cellar that she has
Always called home,
Her buried essence of living among mankind
Splits her soul in pieces that turn into dust,
The vicious whirl wind of flames sweeps
Clean her emotions with his unethical children she bore.
The wreath that blinds and chokes life torments
Her will to be part of the living,
The lust to breathe and walk where angels sleep
Is her unanswered prayer...Is she forsaken?
Their passionless love freezes her heart to
Ice whenever she replays the solemn past,
The cold eats her soul's warmth as he walks
In to create another killing of her spirit,
The facade of his perfect harmony is revealed
As the curtains open.
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