If my heart stalls
And loses its cause
She’ll lend me her’s
And if I lose my soul
She’ll pray to God
To keep it out of harm's way
When I’m thirsty
I’ll drink her sweet tears
She’s all I’ll need
To salt away my shredded
Heart’s fright,
If the forest of my mind
Starts to burn
Her whisper will tame the blaze
And I’ll hurt no more…
If I forget how to fly
Away from the affliction
Of this cruel world
She’ll carry me on her back
And together we’ll dash
To where evil lives not,
When my soul is cold
She’ll pluck out the feathers
From her golden wings
And cover my spirit with its
Warmth and divine essence.
If my blood should drain
A bag of her own soul,
She’ll offer, and I’ll rise to kiss
The tears off her face again
As I did before I began to bleed
This life away…
Every moment I cherish
And will remember
Till my last breath, I’ll always hold
On to her soft hand’s affection
In the night
When Iam all alone
Scared of my own childish fears
She’ll scream to chase
The demons of the pain I caused,
Morning will come with a smile
Whenever she’s here,
She alone has the power
To turn night into day
And pain into a pleasure
Of a hard-learnt lesson
I dedicate this poem to the most beautiful Zambian girl, Angie.
A beautiful poem, extremly captivating, an acute window into the soul of a breathtakingly talented credible and conscientious poet sure to go down in history as one of the worlds most consummated aritsts to date.
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