A straw into a mind of an awesome summer wonder
Is all my soul seeks in the light of day,
Upon thy shiny skin, it ashen thy sight;
I see not its splendor.
Beaming its odium upon thy mortal soul...
To rise above its fright and kill its core
Is to free yourself from the hands of pain,
Again hearts it shall turn into stone,
Eyes shall drain in its radiance
And souls shall know no love for day.
A fight brought upon by the gods;
A battle between moon and sun will bear more
Sorrow and give birth to no tomorrow,
Galaxies from beyond our own will witness
The age of lifelessness...
The hearts of us will cast not tears to quench
The fire that burns when the victor takes his stand.
Without fear we shall be
Stronger without the sun,
We shall embrace this darkness
Like our child who brings mother to smile...
It shall be,
Man will seek his soul beneath
The ashes of the defeated moon,
His voice beyond the stars,
And his mind in the belief
He holds dearest...
A smoldering kiss shall fall
And all known life shall stall
With the venom of its gall,
Man will question the heaven's wall,
The weak shall fall in this war
And blood will spill in the sacred sand.
Sunlight will bear no life, no hope and harmony.
Sunken by its forsaken madness thy crust shall
Thaw in its fury rays of sheer terror,
I shame the sun that took our name!
I blame the sun that toots till my ears bleed!
Forever I'll lust for the sun that knows love for me!
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